Fight club song bar
Fight club song bar

fight club song bar

When you see Jack and Tyler walk into the bar when they first start Fight Club in the basement, what is the name of the song playing in the background? ( from Johnny in Winnipeg)

fight club song bar

( thanks to Jack Conway, West Yorkshire, England) add more info It's also playing just after "Jack" finds out his apartment has gone boom. This song continues to play while we see the group doing their tasks. The song's called "Jack's Smirking Revenge" by The Dust Brothers. What is the song playing when they get their homework? Does anyone know who sings it? Thanks. ( from Raven Dessler in Ipswich)

fight club song bar

( thanks to Anthony, Chicago, IL) add more info Right at the end of the film when the guy says to Marla "you caught me at a very strange moment in my life" or something like that, where they watch the buildings fall down, what is the song playing? It continues on until the end of the film. ( from jade_69 in luxembourg) Tom Waits "Going Out West" ( thanks to shotface, wisconsin) add more info It's heard before the scene change - what song is this? ( from Brad in saukville, wisconsin) Right after Tyler wakes up after the car crash, he walks out into the garden and tells Marla "Tyler is not here" and in the backround there is a nice rhythm to a song (but no lyrics).

Fight club song bar movie#

Music from the movie not on this soundtrack CDĪdd more missing songs to this list, or tell us in what scenes these songs are heard or where they can be found. Click Fight Club soundtrack CD for more info from The MovieMusic Store.

Fight club song bar